I LOVE YOU "Love Bug" Virus Creator

Onel de Guzman, a Filipino computer programmer, was going to turn into a great suspect in the criminal investigation. Because, He seemed to have set loose the supposed ILOVEYOU virus, a worm that tainted a huge number of Windows computers in the world in May 2000. Until now, the ILOVEYOU virus called "Love Bug" worm stays one of the farthest-arriving computer viruses, everything being equal. 

onel de, de guzman, iloveyou virus, love bug, love letter, bug worm, worm virus, guzman iloveyou, iloveyou worm, email attachment

ILOVEYOU Virus - Where is Onel de Guzman now, 22 Years ago?

In spite of piles of proof, all charges against Onel de Guzman were in the end dropped. Simply because, around then, there was no regulation covering computer hacking.


The worm virus spread through an email with the attachment "LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT.vbs". In the body, with a short introduction message, said: "Kindly check the attached LOVELETTER coming from me.". The 20-Year Filipino Hacker Behind the Love Bug Virus!

Onel de Guzman, The ILOVEYOU virus created using VBScript (Visual Basic programming), was not new. In any case, it had never been utilized on such a scale or for a file infection. Likewise, the title and subject of the email clearly inspired an emotional response. Additionally, the worm was composed for Microsoft Windows NT/2000.

Where is Onel De Guzman today?

In 2012, In an article, they said the ILOVEYOU virus was "like an antiquated junk letter flipped out. It just required hours for a Love Letter to turn into a worldwide pandemic, partially on the grounds that it played on a principal human inclination: the longing to be cherished. In that sense, Love Letter could be viewed as the primary social engineering attack."

Geoff White of BBC News actually found Onel de Guzman in 2020, to "resolve the 22-year-old secret of Love Bug's starting point". Following a post on a gathering devoted to the Philippine hidden world, he followed the path back to Manila and in the end met Onel de Guzman.

Presently 44 years of age, Onel de Guzman runs a little smartphone repair shop in a shopping center in Manila.

Similar questions about Onel De Guzman:

How could they stop the ILOVEYOU virus?

Perhaps the earliest organizations used to avert the ILOVEYOU worm virus was to screen out notes with ILOVEYOU in the headline. Nonetheless, programmers immediately presented copycat varieties with titles differently recognizing "JOKE" and "Mother's Day!" as the substance, however containing something similar or comparative VBScript code. For what reason did Onel de Guzman make the Love Bug worms.

A 44 years old Filipino, Onel de Guzman, says he released the Love Bug worm to take passwords, so he could get to the website without paying. … The Love Bug pandemic started on May 04, 2000. Casualties got an email attachment entitled LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.vbs!

Who was impacted by the ILOVEYOU virus?

Windows users started on May 04, 2000, receiving an email with a malicious file. Inside only ten days, somewhere in the range of fifty million contamination were accounted for, and it has been assessed that as numerous as 10% of the web associated PCs on the planet at last contracted the ILOVEYOU infection.

What was the most notorious virus in history?

Mydoom is the most obviously notorious computer virus in the history ever, Mydoom caused assessed harm of $38 billion in 2004, except for its expansion, which changed cost is really $52.2 billion. Otherwise, called Novarg, this malware is actually a "worm" sent by mass messaging.

How was MyDoom virus prevented?

The best way to stop MyDoom may be to out-program the programmers. Before, "white hat hackers" have sent off infections that uncover security openings without making annihilation in an endeavor to make users greater security conscious.

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