Offline Hacking Explained

offline hacking, ethical hacking, internet hacks journal


Just because you're offline doesn't mean your computer can't be hacked. Although most hacking occurs over the internet, methods ranging from primitive to high-tech allow dedicated hackers to access almost any computer.

Is unplugging your internet connection enough to avoid hackers?

Absolutely Not.

Just because you're offline doesn't mean your computer or smartphone can't be hacked. Chances are high that you are one of the owners of nearly 1,000,000+ computers around the world in which the National Security Agency has implanted software that enables it to enter and alter data in computers even if they are not connected to the internet.

Quantum, this secret technology, relies on a converted channel of radio signals and mobile phones that can be broadcast from up to 12 kilometers distance and send packets of data in milliseconds. In many insane ways, your phone and computer can be hacked - even if they're not connected to the internet.

Hacking is the new spying. And, as we've learned time and time again, both government and private organizations are using cyber-spy programs to gain as much intelligence as they can.

But getting this data can be difficult. In fact, some of the most precious digital information is safeguarded by machines that have no contact with the outside world.

So can this internet-less data be hacked?

Indeed, yes with some support from the exploration of the security firm Kaspersky Lab as well as our very own portion of individual digging, here is an investigation of a portion of the insane technology used to hijack offline computers or smartphones.