Dynamic DNS services

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There are a few Dynamic DNS services out there, you can choose whichever you like, but I would recommend duckdns.org, just because of its beautiful simplicity. You go there, download the software (a small program that sends out the updated IP address every few minutes), sign up and pick your domain name, and get a token. This token lets the Dynamic DNS server know you're still you whenever your IP gets changed. Your domain will end in "duckdns.org", for example, "yoursite.duckdns.org". You should be guided through the installation process. Make sure the directions you're following match your operating system. If you get confused, just take a minute and review what you know and Google your questions. Also, in the About page of this app I've put a link to my website where you can tell me if you got stuck somewhere, or I didn't explain well, and I'll help out by explaining things people are struggling with in future updates of the app. 

I hope you've enjoyed your journey thus far and felt the joy of discovery more than once. You're close to having your own website, one that can be accessed from anywhere in the world!!

If your server is running, your router is sending traffic from outside to your server, and your Dynamic DNS service is configured, you should be able to see your Apache webpage from anywhere in the world! You can test it by turning WiFi off on your phone and going to your website over cellular data. Now that your server is up and running, all that's left to do is to make your website pretty and include the functionality you want it to have. You can look online to find a template, or you can start to learn the language used to write webpages, HTML. You can find lots of tutorials about HTML and CSS (a language for making your site look pretty). To update your website, you'll have to edit the index.html file stored somewhere in Apache's folders.

Farewell, I hope I've been helpful! I hope you keep going when you run into challenges and make it to your goal! Remember, you can go to my website (check the About page) to tell me what you think I should explain better. Great job!

You're close to victory!!